Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2024 Advertisement

Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2024 Advertisement

Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2024 Advertisement: The Pakistan Army POL Depot ASC Hafizabad Cantt published an announcement about this recent job on 23rd August 2024. We have collected this Pak Army Civilian Jobs Advertisement from the Express Newspaper.

Pakistan Army POL Depot ASC Hafizabad Cantt is looking for highly educated, experienced, and hardworking people in Pakistan. Candidates from Hafizabad are eligible to apply for application. Applicants can apply for the following positions Cook and Driver.

Candidates apply for these positions before the last date 04th Sep 2024. Now I will let you know about its further details and how to apply the procedure below.

Pak Army Civilian Jobs
Pak Army Civilian Jobs

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Pak Army Civilian Jobs for Male 2024 Latest Advertisement

Posted Date:23rd August 2024
Availability:Full Time
Organization:Pakistan Army
Salary Package:PKR, 30,000 – 35,000.est
Last Date:04th Sep 2024

Vacation Positions:

  • Cook
  • Driver

Eligibility Criteria for Army Civilian Jobs

Gender Required:Only Males are eligible
Skills Required:Driving, Cooking
Age limit:Minimum age: 18 Years
Maximum age: 30 Years
Education Required:Middle, Matric
Experience Required:Minimum age: 01 Year
Maximum age: 02 Years

Salary Package

Minimum Monthly Salary: 30,000 PKR (EST.)

Maximum Monthly Salary: 35,000 PKR (EST.)

How to Apply for Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2024?

Interested candidates who complete the eligibility criteria then need to follow the below step-by-step guide:

Our Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1:

Collect all copies of these documents.

  • CNIC
  • Domicile
  • Educational certificates
  • Experience certificates
  • Recent Photographs

Step 2:

Submit all copies of the documents to the address below.

Address: Petroleum Oil Lubricant Depot Army Service Corps Hafizabad Cantt.

Terms & Conditions

  • No TA/DA will be paid for the interview/test.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for a test/interview.
  • An incomplete application / received after the deadline will not be entertained.

Last Date:

The last date for submission of the application is September 04th, 2024.

Pak Army Civilian Jobs Advertisement 2024

Pak Army Civilian Jobs Advertisement


Can only males apply for these Army Civilian Jobs?

Yes, only males are eligible.

Where was the Pak Army Career Advertisement sourced from?

The Express Newspaper.

Where can candidates apply for this Pakistan Army Job?

Petroleum Oil Lubricant Depot Army Service Corps Hafizabad Cantt.

4.4/5 - (37 votes)

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138 thoughts on “Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2024 Advertisement”

  1. Asalàm alaikum! My name is Muhammad Bilal I am from Pichnand I am interested in this job Allhamdulilah I am chef 3 sall ka tajarba hai

    • A.o.a! ATR Captain is urgent required in PIA(Pakistan International Airlines) apply before 25th of SEP..! Education. F.A/ics
      please share this message with all your friends may this message of yours make someone’s future bright…thanks
      Best regard,

    • ATR Captain is urgent required in PIA(Pakistan International Airlines) apply before 25th of SEP..! Education F.A/ ics if more information requried then contact just whatsapp 03331129789
      please share this message with all your friends may this message of yours make someone’s future bright…thanks
      Best regard,

  2. Sir my name is Danish Riyasat i am frome Lahore sir I am middle class student sir my age 18 year old sir I am join tha Pak Army I need this job please support me Asalamoa.alikum

  3. Sir My Name is Bahadur Ali i am from karachi I am middle class student sir my age 19 year old I am join the pak Army I need this job please support me. Asslamo Alikum

  4. I LoVe PaK ArMy ❤️❤️
    Please mojhy army mn jany Ka
    Both shok h please mojhy la ly ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • ATR Captain is urgent required in PIA(Pakistan International Airlines) apply before 25th of SEP..! Education F.a for more information contact just whatsapp 03331129789
      please share this message with all your friends may this message of yours make someone’s future bright…thanks
      Best regard,

    • Pak navy men Female nursing assistant ki job hai agr AP ko apply krni hai tu men AP ko Whatsapp nmbr send krta hon contact info nmbr

  5. Assalamualaikum
    My name is Nayab
    My father name is Muhammad Islam
    I am 17 years old
    I am interested for army job
    Please tell me how can apply this job
    Thank you
    Army my dream

  6. My Name is. Bilal Khan.
    My Father Name is. Rehmat shah.
    My education_2year.&Ms Office station railway colony no 10 get karachi
    I love pak army ????????????

  7. Son of cod s.w Waheed Masih cod Lahore can’t.
    My name is Fahad khokhar I’m middle class
    my contact number 03078492970

  8. AOA My name is waleed. I want be come a Army. plz select me for this job. i am very poor i need job. My Education is Matric. I Love Army ….

  9. Asslama O Alikum
    My name is Awais
    My father name is Latif
    I am 17 age old
    I am interasting for army job
    Please tell me how can apply
    this job
    Thank you
    Army my dream

  10. Asslam alikum
    My Name is Ali Raza
    I Am 18 Year old
    I Am Interested from Army Job
    Please Tell me About How Can I
    I Love my Army

  11. Aallam. o. Alikum !
    I am zameer Abbas s/o Zafar abbas.
    My Education matrik
    Sir. I have been fond of Pak Army since childhood.
    I do want to work in the army.

  12. اسلام علیکم جناب امید ہے کہ آپ خیریت سے ہونگے میں بارہ جماعت پاس ہوں کیا مجھے یہ نوکری مل سکتی ہے

  13. I am passed in intermediate with grade A percentage 76.36. I want to join Pak Army
    This is my number for contect

  14. Assalam.o. Alikum! sir, My name is M.ZEESHAN. My father name is M.SAJJAD. my education is matric and to get 945 numbers out of 1100. Percentage 85.90 ℅ My passion is PAK ARMY. Thank you sir

  15. Assalam.o. Alikum! sir,. My name is M.ZEESHAN. My father name is M.SAJJAD. my education is matric and to get 945 numbers out of 1100. Percentage 85.90 ℅ My passion is PAK ARMY. Thank you sir. My contact number 03073805655.

  16. Sir my name is Afaq ali I pass matric from daraarkam school jhang sadar I got 65 percentage my aim is to become a army man I am starting my DAE in jhang

  17. اسلام علیکم سر مجھے بھرتی کروا دو مہربانی ہوگی اپ کی میں غریب بندہ ہوں میرا ابو بھی شہید ہوگیا ہے اور میں غریب ماں کا ایک لوتا بیٹا ہوں سر مہر بانی میرا نام اسداللّه خان یاسر ہے

  18. m
    اسلام علیکم سر مجھے بھرتی کروا دو مہربانی ہوگی اپ کی میں غریب بندہ ہوں میرا ابو بھی شہید ہوگیا ہے اور میں غریب ماں کا ایک لوتا بیٹا ہوں سر مہر بانی میرا نام Saifullah sehwan sharif

  19. 03484659586 مین میر خان لغاری مین رہتاہون کوٸی کام بی نہی ہی بیروزگار ہون کوٸی کام بی نہی مل رہا بوہت پریشان ہو اگر یا جوب ہم کو مل گٸی تو مین اپ لوگون کو بوہت دوا کرون گا اپ میری مدد کرینگی تو انشااللہ اللہ پاک آپ کی مدد کریگا

    • Hira Raffique from abbotabad
      Education: Bs (toursim and hospotilty)
      Work exprence front office in hotel.
      Mobile nom:03485232343

  20. AoA sir mera naam Waleedbhatti hai or mai zila faslabad mai rhta hnn mai 9 pass hnn but family problem ki waja se agye parh nhi ska kindly sir mujhe job ki bht skht zarorat hai plz job pe rakh lye my contact number 03254068275

  21. My name is Rabia Naz .
    I am a student of 2nd year .
    My matric Numer : 702 / persantage 63%.
    i from zila Faisalabad tehseel samundari chak No 226 GB .
    i like pak Army and I apply for job in pak Army please haire me I join Pak Army..

    My contact number: 03017027363 & 03427483465..
    Please contact to me and haier me in Pak Army.

  22. Aslam o alaikum
    My name Ali Haider
    My father name Muhammad Anwar
    I am 21 year old
    I am interesting for army job
    Please tell me how to apply for this job
    Thank you


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